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 Team Hokage goes viral

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Team Hokage goes viral Empty
PostSubject: Team Hokage goes viral   Team Hokage goes viral Icon_minitimeSat Sep 26, 2015 8:41 pm

A fairly warm day within the land of fire, as to be expected in this country Ryujin called home. The wind was hardly to be found, a slight breeze now and then swooping through the luscious forests of this beautiful country. Birds could be heard singing throughout the forests, seen flying around catching a butterfly or two, and even feeding their young within their nests. Squirrels jumped from branch to branch chasing each other as they played on this lovely day, such was the life of these forest creatures. Ryujin however had much more important things to do than sit here and watch them continue on with their tomfoolery, he wasn't standing 317 meters into the forest away from the village walls for nothing or to observe these beautiful creatures or mother nature do her work, no. He was waiting for his student, Oboro, to show up as he was already five minutes late. "Where could the boy be, his first important mission with me and he's already late." He shook his head upon the thought filling his mind. They were indeed going on an important mission today, a mission beyond the caliber Oboro had done so far. One that could decide the fate of the world actually. Ryujin intended to meet each of the first Kages during the next few days as he would be traveling from Konohagakure to Sunagakure to Kumogakure to Kirigakure, after which he would finally head back home along with Oboro accompanying him. Upon meeting each Kage he would discuss with them his plans, for each of the four Kages to gather at a designated area and hold what he liked to refer to as a Kage Summit. "Hm.." He would give a sign as he waited further for Oboro. At this Kage Summit he would be discussing a few things with each Kage, probably the most important thing being the arrival of the dark figure which took the Rokubi from Konoha's grasps. "It was indeed powerful, to be able to change the work of mother nature herself by simply making it's presence known." He thought to himself as he referred to the figure changing the weather from a normal day such as this to dark colored masses of clouds in the skies, and not to mention it possessed the powerful technique Ryujin himself possessed... Flying Thunder God. He knew the ability when he saw it, it was kind of hard to miss. He would activate his sensory in order to ensure a safe trip for the two of them, but would sense two approaching chakra signatures. One was recognized as Oboro, though the other he hadn't met before. Earlier this day, about 5 AM this morning, Ryujin had awakened from his slumber and sent a messenger to search for Oboro and request him meet Ryujin within the forest at this exact spot, all he knew is that it was of great importance and he would be filled in upon arriving. He had summoned his long time friend Akihiko an hour after waking up while still in his home. He had explained to the werewolf prince his plans, and gave him a gift, Samehada. However before the summon had left, Ryujin had marked it with his chakra (FTG Mark).

[-35 Chakra for summoning Akihiko.
-20 chakra for placing mark on Samehada
-10 for Sensory.]
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Team Hokage goes viral Empty
PostSubject: Re: Team Hokage goes viral   Team Hokage goes viral Icon_minitimeSun Sep 27, 2015 1:15 pm

Head against the back of the tree, Oboro moved it a bit back and forth to feel the bark move against his scalp. "And what would I do if I did decide to change again. I have... Friends now." he would say to me within the black room of his mind, or rather our mind. I looked at him despite my lack of eyes and he could tell that I was glaring into his soul. In the real world he had all the power. The body of which he controlled was superior to my lack of corporal existence. But in here, in the black room... Control was mine. "You could always tell them, that is if you trusted them enough. But if you didn't, they would never recognize you." I thought for a moment to add to this response. "You could always lie to them. Don't mention being the God of Many Faces. Just... Say it's some Technique."

Oboro snapped back into the real world as he heard the voice of Ryujin speaking. Indeed, they were supposed to be meeting in this spot exactly five minutes ago which was why Oboro had been waiting here for an hour. Perhaps the man too had been waiting but couldn't see the younger due to the indigenous flora and fauna that blocked the path between the two. As he heard his name, or rather the term 'the boy', however, he stood and made way around the tree to find his newfound teacher activating a sensory Technique. No complaints as it allowed him to save Chakra, not having to activate the technique on his own. "Didn't mean to make you wait..." he would say with an unsure tone.

As soon as he'd received word that he was leaving town he'd sent a carrier mouse to deliver a message to Akira. Hopefully she hadn't killed it on site as he wished to bid her farewell. The night before had shaken him up emotionally and just the thought of it stirred him a bit. Taped to his chest, under the baggy shirt, was the Grimoire which he'd received just the night before. He hadn't let it out of his sight since he first gathered it. Perhaps it seemed like an addiction, but in reality it was just an ordinary book.

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Team Hokage goes viral Empty
PostSubject: Re: Team Hokage goes viral   Team Hokage goes viral Icon_minitimeSun Sep 27, 2015 2:16 pm

Akira had been sitting at a table in her living room. It was a,small one close to the ground, so she didn't have any need to get chairs. The girl simply sat on a cushion on the floor. She had been at this table for a few hours scratching away in her notebook. Surounding her were a few paper wads. Akira couldn't think straight since she was too busy thinking about what happened the day before. She would trail off and write something completely inevitable to her research. After writing for hours, the girl would groan and lay her head on the notebook. "I never thought I'd say it but.. I think.. I need a journal." As she sit there in silence Akira would hear a noise.

The girl would look behind her after hearing a paper wad move. However, nothing was there. The girl looked around skeptically and flicked the paper wad. There was nothing there. The girl would shrug and then look back to her notebook. That's when she saw it. It was a mouse. Blue eyes would stare at it and then she would prop her elbow on the table. "Aren't you cute?" The girl would scratch the small creature slightly with one finger. It was this time that she realized a note was attached to it. "Hm?" Akira would look at it curiously.

Her shoulders would lift and lower making a shrugging motion. Then, she would open said note. Blue eyes would widen once she read it. He actually sent her something? He wanted to say goodbye? Akira would immediately jump to her feet. She had been wearing a black T-shirt and some Black shorts. "Good enough," she would say aloud. She would slip on a pair of black sandals and head out the door.

Akira had went to the exact place that she had been informed of. When she saw Oboro there, she became rather nervous. She also noticed another person was with him. How would this go?
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Team Hokage goes viral Empty
PostSubject: Re: Team Hokage goes viral   Team Hokage goes viral Icon_minitimeSun Sep 27, 2015 7:34 pm

Once he activated his sensory technique in order to search for his student and prepare for their trip as to not get attacked, Oboro would come from behind one of the trees revealing himself. "Where had he been?" Ryujin would think to himself as he locked eyes with Oboro, though he wasn't angry and his facial expression showed no sign of anger. "Morning, it's fine Oboro-kun. I have something important to discuss with you." The Senju wearing his Hokage cloak would say in reference to their travels towards the other three villages and the reasons. However a girl approached them which would interrupt him continuing the discussion as he turned his head to face her. "Greetings Akira-chan." Some might wonder how he knew her name, they'd be an idiot to wonder though. He was the Hokage after all, Ryujin was the one who had approved her promotion as it was his duty, being the Hokage. It was very recently that she had gained her promotion as a shinobi of the leaf village, so the name nor face didn't slip his mind at all. She was a special jounin as of her latest rank up, which meant she was at least somewhat capable as a shinobi, if not very capable. He thought for a bit as she would walk closer to the two of them. Why was she here? Better yet, would he take her along with them seeing as she was already here and her promotion meant that she was capable of handling her own? The thought ran through his mind as he assessed the situation with great care. "Well now that you're both here, I should congratulate the two of you!" Excitement filling his tone as he spoke up, a smile could be visible as he looked at the two of them. "Both of you have been promoted to Special Jounin titles, a noticeable feat indeed." He said as he continued to look at the two, his eyes switching back and forth now and then between the two of them in order to pay enough attention to both as he spoke. "Maybe.." He would give them a chance to speak as he continued to assess the situation. "Yes, it's decided then." Ryujin had indeed made up his mind after assessing the possibilities. He would take the girl along with them on their trips. It would make for a better trip and better conversation, but that was the least of his reasons. His team wouldn't be complete with just one student now would it? He knows Akira has no sensei, and even with her ranking increase it didn't mean she could not have a sensei. Though he wouldn't accept her onto the team nor invite her to join the team until after their trips were finished, these trips would prove to provide meaningful and valuable information on her skills and personality, with him valuing the latter highly. "Akira-chan, if you would accept the invitation, you could join us on our travels." Oboro might be confused with that sentence as he was unaware of the travels too. "If you would join us, we should start heading out. Our first stop is Sunagakure." He said as he looked at the two again, though the smile slowly fading from his face as he had no time to waste. "We can discuss the details on our way there." He said as he would gesture towards their route to Sunagakure, to which he would then start his walk and expect Oboro to follow. If Akira accepted the invitation, he would begin to speak with the two as they headed to Sunagakure. "With my election as the Hokage, I've taken it upon myself to arrange a Kage Summit. Each of the for Kages will be there, to discuss important matters such as the figure appearing and taking the Rokubi from our grasps. The first stop is Sunagakure, we will meet with the first Kazekage and arrange the summit. Secondly we would head to Kumogakure and meet the first Raikage. Lastly would be Kirigakure.." He paused for a moment. "Where we would likely meet an Uchiha as the first Mizukage. I'd like you/the both of you to accompany me during these arrangements so you could learn more about the other villages. This will be of a great advantage to you/the both of you." He had finished his discussion with Oboro/the two of them (depending on whether Akira comes with) as they continued on towards Sunagakure.
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Team Hokage goes viral Empty
PostSubject: Re: Team Hokage goes viral   Team Hokage goes viral Icon_minitimeSun Sep 27, 2015 9:25 pm

It didn't take long before her face was within his line of site. Of course Ryujin had noticed he due his Chakra Sensing Technique. But he noticed first, purely of the eye. It took nothing of the sort for him to know it was her walking from however far away. Naturally he'd like to say it as due to some sort of special connection. In reality it was because she was the only girl he knew who were all black. And has bright blonde hair. It almost made her stick out a bit too much. Feelings of familiarity swept over it however. Oboro wouldn't change her either way, nor would I. As she showed up, she didn't say much however. Oboro seemed to take a half step in her direction but failed to follow through as talks of their promotions to special jounin were mentioned.

Tempted to say thank you, Oboro chose not to instead. Special jounin wasn't something he was particularly proud of and he was still unaware as to why he was making himself move through the ranks of the village. He'd convinced himself a few times that it was simply to gain influence however I knew the truth of the situation. Thought, I would say nothing as to not anger him. Perhaps his wish was to gain power amongst the ranks. I personally was unsure of what he wanted or expected to gain from the likes but still, I digressed.

After congratulations, the newfound hokage suggested that Akira travel with the pair. To that, I had no objects. If Oboro had any he decided to keep his peace about them. It might be a bit awkward to have her as a travel companion, yet for some reason I didn't think he would mind too much.

Soon, Ryujin explained the meaning of their travels. Kage summit was to be held and they were the messengers. While Oboro mentally deemed it unwise for a kage to be traveling to rival nations without nothing but a couple of B ranks, he said nothing about it. He was no ordinary B rank after all. According to the hokages instructions, they'd be going to sunagakure first in order to meet with the Kazekage. "The funny thing about this is that we have no clue how hostile neighboring villages will he towards us." I would say to Oboro. From within our black room he only nodded in agreement.

The next thing he mentioned was an Uchiha likely leading Kirigakure as the Mizukage. "Well of course there's an Uchiha acting as the Water Leader. The rumors are everywhere." It seemed there was a generalization of who all was leading the villages circulating. Admittedly, he'd heard very little about who was leading Suna and Kumo however. The only thing he'd heard was that the leader of Kumo was female. "I wonder if the fifth village will ever be rebuilt and appoint a leader." Oboro would communicate with me. This time I acknowledged him and chuckled. "I'd make a fine leader you know." My smile became present as I said so. This time he was the one to chuckle. "Yea right. More like me." And with that, he'd exhausted his tolerability and I chose to ignore him and secluded myself within the confines of the black room.

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Team Hokage goes viral Empty
PostSubject: Re: Team Hokage goes viral   Team Hokage goes viral Icon_minitimeSun Sep 27, 2015 10:49 pm

Akira would blink as the Hokage spoke greetings to her. It hadn't surprised her that he knew her name but it did surprise her that he would actually speak to her. The girl would glance to Oboro and then back to the Hokage. Should she say something? Akira didn't exactly know how to deal with this type of situation. This would have been great information to know, unless she just skimmed over the fact that the Hokage would be here too. Her face stayed blank, while her mind roamed through thoughts. What should she do? The girl would glance to Oboro once more and then back to the Hokage once more. It was obvious by that one simple act that she was nervous.

However, she became less nervous when her promotion was congratulated. 'Ugh,' Akira would think as she mentally rolled her eyes. She didnt do anything worthy of the title. The blonde was basically just trash. She couldn't do much of anything. She was worthless, so why should she feel proud of a promotion she believed she didn't deserve? Since when did Oboro get a promotion? He didn't seem to do much. Then again, she had only known him for a total of 4 days. What did it matter? The girl would shake her head and then straighten up when the Hokage began speaking again.

Wait? He wants me to come with him and Oboro.. out of the village? Blue eyes would seem to sparkle. Akira had left the village a few times before but never farther than a few miles away! Now she had the chance to see all the villages! More research. More subjects. More. More. More. The girl wants to squeal like a small child or jump around or anything. However, outside she didn't seem to care much. What good was she if she let her excitement make her look to foolish? The girl would watch as the Hokage began to walk and soon Oboro would follow.

Akira would no doubt soon follow as well. She was so happy and excited! Other Kage! Uchiha! Akira had always wanted to meet one! It would be a blessing if she ever saw their eyes! That would have to wait because for now...Off to Sunagakure! Wait.. wasn't it like hot there? Akira would look down at her clothes, "Damn," she would whisper to herself. On second thought, maybe she wasn't excited for it all. At this moment, the girl was simply hoping she wouldn't burn to death.
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Team Hokage goes viral Empty
PostSubject: Re: Team Hokage goes viral   Team Hokage goes viral Icon_minitimeMon Sep 28, 2015 1:25 pm

He would continue to talk about the Uchiha and express a little bit of disgust towards the clan during their travel towards Sunagakure before he would tell the two about him having the need to place a marking on them. "With this I can be assured of both of your safety." He wasn't expecting their approval for the mark being placed on them, instead he demanded it in a sense. He wasn't going to have their deaths be on his hands if something were to happen, no. After placing the mark on their upper backs as he moved their shirts back slightly at the top allowing for his other hand to move slightly down their backs, Ryujin would explain that it was for their own good to accept the marks and not question him. They walked for about 83 meters more towards the village before Ryujin passed a palm tree, his hand slightly touched the tree as he passed by it, placing a mark on the tree stump. "I'm going to do a bit of training as we continue." He said as he would start the training for a technique he had been working on. This technique would be of great help to the Senju throughout any battle that laid ahead of him, even outside of battle it had it's advantages. The principle was simple, it would act as a gateway for chakra to travel from one person to another through touch, allowing Ryujin to receive chakra if he needed as well as allowing Ryujin to give someone else chakra if they were running low or required a good amount of chakra for a certain technique for instance. He wouldn't be able to use Oboro or Akira for his training as they needed their chakra, so he would instead use one of his edo tenseis since they had a good amount of chakra on their own and he could replenish his own reserves once this technique was mastered through his training, after all he had used three marks already today as well as summoned Akihiko and used the Sensing technique as to avoid being ambushed. Speaking of which, his sensory was active the entire time still and there was no one within his entire range of sensory the entire time, even now, besides the ones he traveled with. Ryujin would activate the summoning process in order to summon the undead Sendo Makojin, previously a jounin within Konohagakure which meant his chakra reserves were indeed high, high enough to practice the technique as well as replenish Ryujin's chakra afterwards through the use of this technique. A coffin would start to rise from the sand beneath them, dark in color with a slight mist surrounding the dark coffin as it rose from the ground up. After merging completely from the ground, which was quite fast actually, the coffin's door would open, revealing the undead Sendo Makojin also known as The Smiling Man. His smile eternally lasting on his face because of his clan's unique kekkei genkai. "Welcome Sendo." Ryujin would say. He had full control over the undead's body so he had the Makojin step from the coffin towards Ryujin, to which they would continue on with their travels. For a while Ryujin had practiced the technique, manipulating his and Sendo's chakra through the technique in order for a gateway to be formed as he touched Sendo's left shoulder whilst walking towards the hidden sand village. Their chakra would connect with each other as this happened with Ryujin having control of the undead man beside him. Ryujin couldn't steal chakra through this technique so it wouldn't be wise for his chakra to pull on Sendo's, no, instead he had Sendo's chakra push into Ryujin's own body as their chakra connected, the undead smiling man in a sense giving Ryujin his chakra willingly, as Ryujin had control over the man he willed the undead puppet to do so. It wasn't long before the process' repetition being completed and Ryujin having mastered the technique, to which he would use it one final time to fully restore his chakra from Sendo's own chakra source. He wouldn't let the undead man be returned to his slumber within the coffin just yet though, he would instead take one more practice shot with the technique as he expended more chakra. He would move closer to Sendo as they stopped at the 500 meters mark from the village they were heading towards. His hand would reach down the man's back slightly from above as he pulled his shirt back a little bit on top, just as he did with his Akira and Oboro, to which he would mark Sendo with his Flying Thunder God marking. When this was completed, Ryujin would sense an immense amount of chakra being used in the form of a technique, this was obviously of high ranking caliber. This chakra source came from exactly 400 meters to Ryujin's west. "Why would someone use such a high ranking technique? The Bijuu are obviously not here, is someone being attacked?" As the thought ran through his head he would feel one of the shinobi's chakra disappear, which confirmed he needed to intervene. He couldn't go there himself, he had other important matter to attend to, so he bit his thumb allowing blood to start oozing from the small wound. This was followed by him slamming the wounded hand onto the ground beneath him, the blood being a medium for him in order to summon Lucian. The beast appeared before Ryujin in a puff of smoke which quickly cleared, though he wasted no time in summoning another beast through the same movements of slamming the wounded hand on the ground beneath him, a little more to the right of Lucian. Another puff of smoke would appear, within it was Akihiko and of course he had samehada on his back which he got earlier this day from Ryujin. "I need you two to capture the attacker about 400 meters to your right." He said to the two of them as they faced Ryujin. Immediately they moved with full speed towards their target, prepared to enter into battle. Once this was done he'd replenish his chakra once more as he touched Sendo and used the technique he had trained in order to gain the amount of chakra which he expended on the marking placed on Sendo, back from Sendo's own reserves. The village was close, about 200 meters from them, so they continued on towards the village. Within that 200 meters Ryujin only sensed the guards at the gate and the 2 shinobi about 400 meters to his west along with Akira and Oboro beside him of course.
[1103 WC - Trained A rank technique]
[Ryujin's chakra fully restored]
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Team Hokage goes viral Empty
PostSubject: Re: Team Hokage goes viral   Team Hokage goes viral Icon_minitimeMon Sep 28, 2015 10:11 pm

As the bunch walked, they seemed to keep to themselves for the most part. The ground of which they walked on was extremely flat and lacked locations of which one could trip and injure themselves without some freak of nature accidents. The road of which they traveled was actually preferred by Oboro as the trees surrounding it were far too dense to move through. They were also home to many indigenous poisoness, parasitic insects known as the Manji Beetle in the area that often hid in the leaves and at the top of trees. They had the ability to smell flesh due to a mutation gained within the past few hundred years and flew at amazing speed towards targets that ventured too close to their nests. In other words, moving within the forest was not only near impossible, but it would cause one to suffer from an extremely fatal bite from one of these hormonal beetles. One bite was enough to kill a man in three seconds. Spooky thought indeed.

The road however was very long and narrow. Flat as could be, allowing persons optimal sight alongside them should they fail to produce some sort of sensory Technique. It wasn't really necessary in this situation though it seemed that Ryujin was taking the necessary preparations just in case. Soon however, after walking about four kilometers from the village, the trees faded and the sand began. The sun was still shining bright as it has been all morning and would he all day. Not a trace of rain or clouds anywhere in the sky. The group would be forced to trek through a rather large desert tundra that deemed itself completely lacking of storms in the past few days. Gentle breezes over the last fortnight had smoothed the sand down so that one could see for miles should they squint hard enough. This was exactly what Oboro would do for the majority of the time that they walked despite there being little more than flat ground to look at. For a normal person this adventure would easily take days, though he imagined three high endurance shinobi would he able to do it in a matter of an afternoon.

At some point the Hokage had pulled down the back of his and Akiras shirt in order to plant some kind of fuinjutsu on them, right on the middle upper spine. He had little time or will to resist despite not knowing what the seal would do to him. He simply trusted his leader and hoped that these seals wouldn't be some secrete Technique that would slowly sap his Chakra over time or something of the sort. He placed the same seal on a palm tree of which they'd passed. It had been the only thing to look at for miles and sat right next to a small oasis of which Oboro would refill the canteen he had finished during the walk here.

From since they had left the village up until this moment, none of the three had every strayed more than five meters away from each other simply because they were all attempting to travel close by in case of an ambush. At some point it seemed as if Ryujin became bored as he summoned a coffin just large enough to hold the body within it from the ground of which a man, Sendo, with some peculiar looking eyes appeared and would begin helping him train a technique that seemed to be unique to the original Technique that he was using. "Curiosity sweeps me over like the wind on these Sands." I would say to my host to which he would only nod. The immense amount of heat called for focus from a lower ranked shinobi such as himself and he was determined not to slow the other two down despite his recent promotion. The entire time he'd walked he'd done so with extreme focus, making sure not to trip or do anything that would embarrass himself in any way.

Twice now he'd seen Ryujin do techniques of which he had no knowledge of. And he had knowledge of most basic elemental techniques which is why he found this hard to believe. One that summons strange looking creatures that closely resembled humans would likely be helpful to a large extent and he would insist on his teacher showing him the trick to that one. He'd reflect on the jutsu of which he developed in his own over the course of the past few weeks, deciding that he'd like to make more over time should he be given the opportunity.

The mind blowing heat from the sun caused it to feel as if the orb of fire itself was no more than a few kilometers away though logic dictated that inaccurate as the world would instantly disintegrate. This was the thought I had as Ryujin seemed to sense something with his Chakra Sensing Technique. He would then send creatures of his creation after it though didn't speak much over what he had felt. Tempted to use his own) sensor skills, Oboro chose not to simply for the purpose of saving Chakra in case something bad did come. As of now he was at a full tank and hoped to stay that way for the entirety of the mission.

The village was now in sight and Oboro was quite satisfied with the fact that the three had made it there uninitiated, however he didn't let his guard down for a moment. Sunagakure was by all means, not a friendly territory and should it come to fighting for his friends, he would be forced to give it everything he had. And I couldn't blame him. They were the only friends that he had ever remembered and never wanted to forget.

[Exit unless intercepted before completion of Akiras exit]
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Team Hokage goes viral Empty
PostSubject: Re: Team Hokage goes viral   Team Hokage goes viral Icon_minitimeMon Sep 28, 2015 10:53 pm

How boring. Akira had been walking with these two men for quite some time and neither of them spoke a word. Every single one of the three kept their thoughts in their own minds and that's what upset Akira the most. How was someone to understand the people around her if they didn't speak a word or make any sort of sudden movements? Walking. Walking. More walking. And oh yes, walking. That's Al the blonde could think about. Well, that and not getting ambushed. The blue eyed girl would hate to get ambushed and her not be able to do a single thing. The girl may have been a higher rank than she was a few days ago but she hadn't exactly improved much.

Everything looked the same. Why?! Why did everything look the same?! Akira couldn't stand it. Traveling was the worst. What could she possibly gain from this stretch? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Other than maybe ranting, of course, but still. The female would stare up as she walked and then turn her head towards Oboro. He seemed to be quite content with everything. How could he be ok with this?! It was so boring! The girl would mentally sigh as she continued to look at him. Then, her head would turn away. He sure was a mysterious one. So unpredictable.

Sometime during their trip, the Hokage had insisted that Akira receive a mark. She had been informed it was intended to keep her safe. However, she didn't know if she quite believed his words. The girl would tense as the back of her shirt was slightly pulled down and a hand was placed upon her skin. Akira had never been one for physical interact. She highly disliked when certain people touched her.  Even so, she couldn't just refuse the Hokage's wishes. Whatw would that make her? Akira would feel slightly better knowing that Oboro had received one too. At least if something happened to her, it may also happen to him. She wouldn't want to be the only one taking the fall for "trusting" someone. Trust was such a ridiculous concept that Akira hated getting into. So, of course, when she was asked to trust the Hokage she would softly make an, "ugh," noise. The girl may not have noticed the Hokage marking the palm tree, however she did notice the coffin that just so happened to rumble up out of the ground. It was quite creepy looking but it interested Akira. It was the only good part of the day.

Soon the group had made it to the desert. Sand. Sand. Sand for miles. Akira would blink as she looked upon the area. 'Sure looks like hell alright? Am I sure they're not trying to send me to hell?' Akira would think to herself with a grin. Of course, Akira was never quite prepared for the situations, so her black clothes were quite uncomfortable in the sun. It was so hot. Akira didnt exactly like the warmth she was more of a cold person. So when the village came into sight, the girl could feel a slight but of relief. She couldn't wait to meet the first other Kage. She had never seen a Kage other than her own. She wondered what they were like. She wondered what their personalities held. It was quite exciting once again, although the girl only held a simple smirk.

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